PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire V2.0 繁/英/德/法/義/西/韓/日/簡多國語言光碟正式版(模型建製)(3CD)
PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire V2.0 繁/英/德/法/義/西/韓/日/簡多國語言光碟正式版(模型建製)(3CD)
Pro/Engineer Wildfire 提供了最強大的建模功能集..但是,以前它們從來沒有
PTC is pleased to present Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0. "Simple Powerful
Connected," Pro/ENGINEER continues to set the standard for MCAD
software. As part of the continuing efforts of PTC to make its MCAD
software easier to learn and use, this release extends the user
interface concepts of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire to additional areas of
the software, including Sheetmetal Design, Detailed Drawing View
Creation, and Structural and Thermal Simulation. Pro/ENGINEER
Wildfire 2.0 delivers personal productivity improvements throughout a
full range of associative CAD/CAM/CAE applications. It ensures the
seamless flow of digital product information from conceptual design
through detailed design and engineering, and ultimately to
production. In addition, the software provides new capabilities for
capturing traditional drawing content like geometric dimensioning,
tolerancing, and other annotations directly in the 3D model. These
capabilities conform to the modeling standards in the American
Society for Mechanical Engineers standard, ASME Y-14.41-2003 and the
emerging ISO16792 standard. These modeling capabilities can
significantly reduce the effort of and errors in documenting,
manufacturing, and inspecting designs. With its Web services
architecture, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 broadens the reach of the
engineering team. It extends access of the digital product model to
cross-functional teams as well as to customers, partners, and
suppliers, whether or not they are Pro/ENGINEER users.